Canto DAM Summit

Modula4 is a proud Gold Sponsor of the Canto DAM Summit Europe

The Canto DAM Summit Europe brings together those interested in digital asset management (DAM) and Cumulus customers with Canto business partners and DAM experts like Modula4. The two-day conference focuses on delivering real-world experiences, industry knowledge and insightful case studies. It takes place February 18 & 19 in Berlin, Germany.

At the conference Modula4 CTO and co-founder Michael Gellner will present a session titled Plan Now or Pay Later: Avoiding DAM Mistakes. Inspired by his article for the Journal of Digital Media Media Management, Michael will provide guidance for improving your DAM so it adapts to your organization instead of forcing your staff to adapt to the DAM.

Modula4 provides exclusive features and integrations for Cumulus, and complete solutions based on the Cumulus platform. We are the world’s largest independent provider of Cumulus systems and services.

    • Our complete range of Cumulus services include consulting, configuration, workflow development, training, integrations, customizations & support.
    • We offer exclusive features that make Cumulus even more powerful, such as advanced reporting, flexible video management, and visual search tools.
    • Our clients include top global brands and other organizations in a variety of industries, including: retail, media & entertainment, marketing, government, and higher education.

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